Osteopaths census

a C.O.M.E. Collaboration project
The Osteopathic Practitioners, Estimates and RAtes (OPERA) is an online-based osteopathic survey looking at surveying osteopathic professionals across the world. The mission is to collect data from all osteopathic practitioners around the world and produce benchmarks. The vision is to make osteopathic data available to the public.

OPERA is a project of Non-profit Foundation C.O.ME. Collaboration, www.comecollaboration.org 

Thus our very inclusive view is to work collaboratively with local professionals and therefore with associations, institutions, and other bodies.
Our beliefs are based on the fact that having all the countries surveyed will increase the chance of moving towards homogeneity of different relevant osteopathic aspects important for patients, osteopaths, institutions, stakeholders, and policymakers. This will be based on data transparency and impacts are easy to imagine.

National Projects information

Expected impact

The OPERA project aims to provide an accurate picture give an image as close as possible to the reality of the current situation of the osteopathic profession worldwide. It will be highlighted what are the growth trends of the profession and the distribution osteopaths in various individual countries the national territory. These results will have a direct impact effect on the implementation of possible National and international policies, particularly with regard to the WHO activities. Differences related to the basic training of professionals as well as postgraduate training and continued professional development can also be observed. Collected data will be of fundamental importance for projects carried out by national and international bodies in achieving codifying an accurate, precise and unified osteopathic profile in order to implement appropriate strategies relating to the activities in collaboration with the WHO. These conditions, together, will represent the solid basis for creating robust data-based discussion with policy-makers and various stakeholders.


The initiative aims to:

  • Estimate the current size and dimension of the current reality of the osteopathic profession in countries where the profession is regulated and in those where regulation is still underway;
  • Define the profession and its role in national public health systems;
  • Enable informed decision making for policies and strategies by professional associations, statutorily regulatory authorities, governmental departments and academic institutions;
  • Favor a reflective professional approach and use national collected data as benchmarks to set comprehensive and achievable goals for improvement.

Participate in the survey!

Research Team

The OPERA team is composed by a core project team and then delegates from the different countries where the survey has been or will be carried out.

Core research team

Patrick van Dun, MSc, Dip. Ost
Francesco Cerritelli, Dr.PhD, MSc, MPH, Dip.Ost
Paul Vaucher, Dr.PhD, MSc Clinical Trials, Dip. Ost
Jorge Esteves, Dr.PhD, MA, BSc, Dip.Ost
Stefano Gualdi, Senior IT consultant
OPERA is a project of Non-profit Foundation C.O.ME. Collaboration