Osteopaths census

a C.O.M.E. Collaboration project

The project

The OPERA (co)survey initiative is to use a validated developed questionnaire already used in previous national surveys [Cerritelli et al. 2019; van Dun et al. 2016]. Questions have been translated through a forward-backwards process recommended by the WHO in several languages: English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, and German. The questionnaire is composed of 52 questions and five sections collecting data on socio-demographics, osteopathic education and training, working profile, organisation and management of the clinical practice, and patient profile.

Our results

Osteopaths number
Nations surveyed
Response rate

Data warehouse

The OPERA survey online platform, already developed and used, and an implemented data warehouse (IT.CO.ME.S) utilised for research purposes is used for this study. Data entered is encrypted with a symmetric keys procedure and sent over the internet using an ad-hoc software named COME Survey, which is developed specifically for this purpose to run highly secure surveys and studies containing potentially sensitive data. This system transfers data (microdata census) to a certified data centre; all information is processed and hosted following data protection regulations. Answers are anonymised, and IP addresses are not disclosed to the research team. The system automatically manages the link between email address, StudyID and survey status, which means that research staff are not able to identify the responses provided and that double response is not allowed. Only OPERA research personnel have access to the complete, anonymised dataset

Information guidelines

Participants are asked to complete the forms by filling in the information regarding the demographics, working status and professional activities, education, consultation fees, patient symptom profile, osteopathic treatment and management. The entire process requires approximately 30 minutes. Response rates in previous surveys have been very high (45% – 80%).
OPERA is a project of Non-profit Foundation C.O.ME. Collaboration